Global Coffee Exporter.
Farmers to niche value
Value to Coffee And
Increasing Export Returns.
A Coffee Trading And Value Addition Company
JKCC General Supplies Ltd is a coffee exporting and processing company established in 2017. Our goal is to develop and promote the Ugandan coffee industry through technical assistance and credit programs for coffee farmers and through marketing and promotion of coffee for domestic and export markets.
Coffee Growing
At Jkcc, we believe in empowering the next generation of farmers with the relevant tools to maximize coffee growing and production.
Processing and Value Addition
Coffee Value addition is at the core of our business, We have produced a number of coffee products from coffee beans, our flagship product can be found in major supermarkets accross Uganda.
We started the journey in 2017. And now we export 4 million tones of coffee a year
Services We Offer
The Middle Man Crisis
To get their coffee to market, many Ugandan farmers relied on middlemen, who move kilometres from the capital, Kampala, to buy coffee beans at cheap prices from smallholder farmers. These middlemen made their living by reselling the beans at much higher prices to companies in Kampala who then ship the beans to Europe and Asia. There are currently over 10,000 middlemen operating throughout Uganda with 1.8 million smallholder farms, which accounts for 99% of Ugandan coffee production, reaping minimal profits. Our parent’s coffee was being sold and drunk at exuberant prices, whilst we saw little benefits.
Coffee Handling Process
The process commences with communication from the farmer requesting jkcc to collect coffee from the hulling centers, adding value to the coffee and exporting coffee and selling it to customers.
farmers take their coffee to collecting centers. then jkcc picks coffee and loads off coffee from hulling centers.
Coffee is taken to the grading facility where is to be graded. the quality is validated by quality manager
After grading and quality is assuared by the Quality Manager (QM) coffee is packed and stored in our nice clean ware house or storage.
coffee is weighed and loaded on the container and ready to be transported off
Our Statistics in 6 Years
Since incepion, our main objectives was to fight for equality of Ugandan coffee farmers, The unfair price and value imposed on their coffee, the exploitation by the middle men and so many more.
Our Team
The key management staff at jkcc that elevates the company to new levels.
We are contributing over 154,952 (60Kgs) bags to the 5.49 million bags Uganda is producing currently
What They’re Talking?
I nolonger have to worry about where to sell my coffee after a season, JKCC changed the entire game and am always able to get better prices through them, before JKCC coffee farmers like me were victims of middle men theft.
Mr. Kagwa Kibalama is a coffee farmer in Buikwe District. He is amember of the Buikwe Coffee Farmers Co-rpeartive Society. He is one of the farmers that embrances the work of jkcc has done through COCEWEFA such as Trainings on good agronomical practices, coffee harvest handling, and farmer profiling
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