JKCC has urged the Kkumbya farmers in Mpigi District to maintain the quality of their coffee by practicing good agronomic practices since good quality coffee directly translates to better prices.

This was said by Benon Tugumisirize, Manager Public Relations and Sustainability while training farmers in pre and post-harvest handling, pest and disease control on their coffee gardens as well as how to make compost manure. These farmers were also advised to join the JKCC SACCO as a way to help them save money and also acquire affordable loans as a way of enabling them improve their livelihoods.
JKCC training to farmers is in line with ensuring sustainable livelihoods of farmers through adapting better farming practices, markets and crop finance. Upon invitation by Kisitu Possiano the chairperson Kkumbya Farmers’ Cooperative Society in Mpigi district, the farmers were advised on the best remedies to control pests and diseases that is affecting their coffee.

The farmers asked JKCC to give them a helping hand inform of loans, fertilizers, tools and equipments like bow saws and pruning saws. They also asked JKCC to extend the GAPs to village level where most farmers are based.

The farmers are concerned that their yields are decreasing with preceding seasons which they attributed to low soil fertility and the increased incidence of pests and diseases. To this, they urged the team to keep the good spirit of advising them.
By Asiimwe Mary Gorrette, PR & Sustainability.