COCEWEFA Anual General Meeting 2023

The meeting was addressing or creating awareness to the coffee farmer about the European Union Deforestation regulation (EUDR) where farmers are required to demonstrate that the provenance of raw materials are deforestation free.

The meeting was addressing or creating awareness to the coffee farmer about the European Union Deforestation regulation (EUDR) where farmers are required to demonstrate that the provenance of raw materials are deforestation free. This is to be achieved through provision of precise evidence on origin, mapping, down to the polygon level of production areas with our solutions.

Also among the key issues raised was the targets to be achieved in 2024 like farmers providing at least 70% of their coffee to jkcc for increased market accessibility, farmer profiling, planning ( i.e from family level to jkcc), Reward to the best farmer by providing a fully paid trip abroad, putting more effort on the gardens.



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